NAMGAR Mission Statement
The North American MGA Register shall promote the preservation and enjoyment of the MGA sports car and its variants; encourage fellowship among MGA owners; aid members’ efforts to restore and preserve these cars by publishing and exchanging maintenance and restoration information.
While NAMGAR was created to specifically serve the North American MGA enthusiast, we now boast a world wide membership with over 12 countries represented.

NAMGAR is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Registrar, and Marketing & Communications Director. These 5 people are assisted by many other volunteers in order to bring you our magazine, website, and annual events.*
The Register was established in 1975, with the sole objective of promoting the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of the MGA, Magnette and their Variants.*
As of October 2016, 8,525 cars have been registered, with a membership of approximately 2,000. The Register currently shows 8,180 MGA’s, 229 Magnettes, 19 Variants, and 97 unknown/undeclared models. (Variants are cars built using the MGA engine or chassis, such as the Elva Courier). In addition, there are a number of specific interest groups affiliated with NAMGAR – MGA Coupe, MGA 1600 Deluxe, Z Magnette Group (ZMG), Elva Courier, MGA 1800, MGA Twin Cam, and MG Vintage Racers.
For a Full Review of NAMGAR we Recommend You Visit the NAMGAR Website by Clicking on the NAMGAR Logo opposite.
*Extract From the NAMGAR Website
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