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O'Leno State Park
SATURDAY, April 22, 2023

The park is located along the banks of the scenic Santa Fe River, a tributary of the Suwannee River, and features sinkholes, hardwood hammocks, river swamps, and sandhills. As the river courses through the park, it disappears underground and reemerges over three miles away. The park is filled with Florida's natural beauty, walking trails, and history.


A visit to the park and a picnic lunch is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Two drives will leave the show field –


12:15 pm and 12:30 pm.  Or, you can choose your preferred time to leave the Best Western following the self-guided rallye instructions and wind your way through back roads to O’Leno.  A pavilion has been reserved for the picnic.

To have an accurate count and provide the box lunches for everyone, pre-registration and payment must be made at the time you submit your GOF South registration.


Admission to the park is $5/car.  

Bring exact change.


Join your fellow MGers for an afternoon in one of the oldest and most beautiful state parks in Florida.

Click on Image of River Bridge to View Route Instructions

GOF South LVII, Best Western, Gainesville, April 20-23, 2023, MG Classics of Jacksonville © 2023

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